40th Edition of the EPC of Naples Annual Supplement - It is that time!
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40th Edition of the EPC of Naples Annual Estate Planning Supplement
Please complete the following to place your order for the 2025 Supplement for inclusion in the Naples Daily News. Publish Date of March 9, 2025.
Enter all infomation for your contact information and your ad selection or print the Advertising Selection Form and send to Marsha Jamison at admin@epcofnaples.org. For more information on ad orders please contact Marsha Jamison at 239-200-6918.
Your ad selection may be in Black and white or Color. Please choose your size and ad color below. Payment can be made by credit card, paypal or you can opt to send a check, (see rate savings below for checks). Checks can be mailed to EPC of Naples, PO Box 110687, Naples, FL 34108.
Please submit your ad electronically in pdf format, directly to the Naples Daily News to ljones3@localiq.com and copy admin@epcofnaples.org noting Estate Planning Council's 2025 Supplement in the subject of the email.
If your firm has purchased an ad and you would like to submit to write an article, please complete the form that is attached and send it to Michael Gebeau at mg535@ntrs.com and Lorna McGeorge at lorna.mcgeorge@gray-robinson.com, no later than January 10, 2025.
ALL Ads must be received by Friday, January 10, 2025